9 September 2022
  • International event

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ENoLL Days: the first international event for CTE!

The Open Living Lab Days 2022 event of ENoLL, the European living lab network, co-organized by the City of Turin and the House of Emerging Technologies – CTE NEXT, is coming to Turin.

From September 20th to 23rd at OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazioni more than 200 innovators from all over the world will discuss numerous issues, having as main topic:

The City as a Lab, but now for real! Re-working open innovation environments for inclusive, green and digital transition through emerging technologies.”

The Open Living Lab Days 2022 schedule is partly the result of co-creation between ENoLL and organizations, research institutions, international labs and innovators, who responded to specific calls in recent months. A program in which there are more than 40 sessions including panels, topic debates, interactive workshops, innovative research presentations and inspirational talks.

Among the latter we highlight, the keynote address by Gianluca Galletto, former right-hand man of New York City Mayor Bill De Blaso on topics such as innovation and startups, who now heads several innovative smart city projects in the Big Apple.

Joining him in the Opening Session on Sept. 21 will be Carlos Moreno, a professor and scholar at the Sorbonne in Paris and creator of the “City of 15 Minutes” concept.

Inspirational talk by Jeff Cherry, American investor advocate of “conscious capitalism,” Managing Partner of the Conscious Venture Fund.

There are also numerous institutional guests, such as Mayor Stefano Lo Russo and Councillor for Ecological Transition, Chiara Foglietta, and Eddy Hartog, Head of the Technology Unit for Smart Communities of the European Commission.

The days of Sept. 21-22 are intense and full of interesting panels, including one organized by CTE NEXT: “Start-ups & Emerging Technologies: hubs, policies and opportunities to boost vibrant local ecosystems in Italy and beyond,” a session that aims to explore the potential of emerging technologies, enabled by 5G connectivity, in stimulating favorable local ecosystems for startups and innovative SMEs, both in Europe and beyond.

After an introduction by keynote speaker, Nicola Farronato, CEO of Immodrone, CTE NEXT will engage with Rome’s House of Emerging Technologies. Also representing the Turin ecosystem is Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, a CTE NEXT stakeholder, which will illustrate how a bank can be an important partner for innovation within the local ecosystem. The breath then expands with talks from international speakers from Riga, Rotterdam and Baltimore (USA) to report on these cities’ approaches and challenges in emerging technologies, digital transition and more. Finally, the European Commission will also speak, outlining its perspectives on upcoming initiatives and funding from the “Connected Europe Facility – Digital” on 5G for Smart Communities in the current financial period 2021-2027.

On the morning of Friday, September 23, three different site visits to strategic places of innovation in Turin are offered to participants.

One among them celebrates CTE NEXT itself and its partners/stakeholders. It is the site visit titled “Turin Technological Innovation Hubs,” which aims to take an in-depth look at the city’s technological places of innovation and will bring the latest innovations of our smart city to the table.

It starts at OGR Turin, the meeting point and location of the event, with an in-depth look at Torino City Lab, the City of Turin’s innovation lab, and its ecosystem, making special reference to the Turin Innovation Mile. The next stop is the Intesa San Paolo Innovation Center, where participants will learn more about our stakeholder and the value of multistakeholder partnerships for the co-development and scaling of innovative urban solutions.

We then visit Turin’s House of Emerging Technologies, CTE NEXT, where several urban innovation demonstrations are planned: an in-depth look at self-driving shuttles from the Show Project led by LINKS Foundation; a focus on industrial monitoring experiments carried out with drones from Skypersonic; and more humanoid avatars and metaverse experiences.

Finally we come to our partner CIM4.0 Competence Center national reference hub on Industry 4.0 issues. Here participants will be able to visit the two pilot lines, “Digital Factory” and “Addtive Manufactoring.”

Many other surprises are planned such as, for example, the innovative walking during lunch that brings participants to meet the startups present in the Tech wing of the OGR Turin for an interesting exchange between living lab professionals and startuppers or the Gala Dinner on the evening of the 22nd where ENoLL’s 15th anniversary is also celebrated.

Also worth mentioning is the educational part of the event that can be joined with a special ticket: namely, Learning Lab Day 0 where one can learn the fundamentals of livinglab in the beginners’ course or delve into the roles and tools of co-creation in the professionals’ course.

In short, it’s shaping up to be an interesting week of innovation and the “living lab” approach in Turin, with CTE NEXT starring and more.

For all information about Open Living Lab Days 2022 you can visit the official event website openlivinglabdays.com where registration is open.

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