Project Partners

The CTE Next project, with the Turin Municipality as leading authority, was granted funding by the Ministry of Economic Development through the Funds for Development and Cohesion, under the Emerging Technologies Program in December 2020 and was formally launched in March 2021.

The tight collaboration with the two Turin universities and with strategic partners of the project will allow the creation of a widespread technology transfer centre on emerging technologies enabled by 5G and capable of promoting companies, skills growth and industrial and urban development and innovation in strategic field for the city of Turin.



University of Turin
Politecnico of Turin
2i3T –  University of Turin business incubator
I3P S.c.p.a. – Politecnico of Torino Incubator
Competence Industry Manufacturing 4.0
5T – Telematic Technologies for Traffic and Transportation of Turin
CSI Piemonte
Digital Magics
Foundation LINKS
Talent Garden
TIM S.p.a.
Torino Wireless

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